Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTBWN Network Card User Manual

8.6 Error Code List
8.6 Error Code List
When an error occurs in the Q64TCN during data write to the CPU module or data read from the CPU module, one of
the following error codes is stored in Write data error code (Un\G0).
In addition, the error occurred is notified to the CPU module.
Error code
Cause Operation at error occurrence Action
Hardware error
The operation varies depending on
the symptom.
• Check that the terminal block or the
cold junction temperature
compensation resistor is not
disconnected or loose.
• Replace the Q64TCN.
• Please consult your local Mitsubishi
(other than 0) is being written to
the system area
• The data written is retained.
• When data is written to multiple
system areas, the address with the
smallest number of the buffer
memory area where an error was
detected is stored.
• Return the value to 0 and turn off,
on, and off Error reset instruction
• Delete the program that is writing
data to the system area.
Data is being written in the operation
to the area where data can be
written only in the setting mode
• The data written is retained.
• When data is written to multiple
system areas, the address with the
smallest number of the buffer
memory area where an error was
detected is stored.
• Follow the instructions below for
error reset.
1. Change the mode to the setting
2. Set the correct value and turn off,
on, and off Setting change
instruction (YnB).
3. Turn off, on, and off Error reset
instruction (Yn2).
• If switching from the operation mode
to the setting mode, check that PID
continuation flag (Un\G169) is set to
Stop (0), and turn on and off
Setting/operation mode instruction
Data outside the settable range is
being written.
• The data written is retained.
• If temperature, time, or percentage
settings exceed upper limit
value/lower limit value, change the
data within those values.
• When data is written to multiple
system areas, the address with the
smallest number of the buffer
memory area where an error was
detected is stored.
Set data within the range.