Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTBWN Network Card User Manual

(3) Setting method
Two settings are available for the loop disconnection detection function.
(a) Setting for the unit time to monitor the amount of changes in the temperature
process value (PV)
Set the unit time in the following buffer memory area.
•CH Loop disconnection detection judgment time (Un\G59, Un\G91, Un\G123, Un\G155) ( Page
124, Section 3.4.2 (33))
When not using this function, set CH Loop disconnection detection judgment time (Un\G59, Un\G91, Un\G123, Un\G155)
to 0.
(b) Setting for the dead band
To prevent an error alert for the loop disconnection detection, set a non-alert band (temperature band in which
the loop disconnection is not detected) with the set value (SV) being its center. If the temperature process
value (PV) is within the loop disconnection detection dead band, an alert is not output even though the alert
conditions of loop disconnection are met.
Set the dead band in the following buffer memory area.
•CH Loop disconnection detection dead band (Un\G60, Un\G92, Un\G124, Un\G156) ( Page 125,
Section 3.4.2 (34))
If this function is not necessary, set 0 to CH Loop disconnection detection dead band (Un\G60, Un\G92, Un\G124,