Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTBWN Network Card User Manual

If a setting change rate limiter is specified, an alert with standby (second time) is not active even though one of the following
alert modes is selected.
The standby (second time) is used to prevent alert occurrence when the set value (SV) is changed.
If a setting change rate limiter is specified, the value in CH Set value (SV) monitor (Un\G25 to Un\G28) gradually changes
following the set value (SV) when the set value (SV) is changed. Suppose that the standby (second time) function is
activated under such occasion. The alert standby would be always active; therefore an alert would not be output even when
the temperature process value (PV) is not following the value in CH Set value (SV) monitor (Un\G25 to Un\G28). To
prevent such cases, the standby (second time) function is deactivated if a setting change rate limiter is used.
Alert mode setting ( Page 204, Section 4.12 (7) (a))
Setting value Alert mode name
12 Upper limit deviation alert with standby (second time)
13 Lower limit deviation alert with standby (second time)
14 Upper lower limit deviation alert with standby (second time)