VXI-MXI User Manual Glossary-6 © National Instruments Corporation
IACK Interrupt Acknowledge
IC Integrated Circuit
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 1014 The VME specification.
in. inches
I/O input/output; the techniques, media, and devices used to achieve
communication between entities.
Interlocked Contrasted with Normal Operating Mode; an optional mode of operation
Arbitration Mode in which the system performs as one large VXIbus mainframe with only
one master of the entire system (VXIbus and MXIbus) at any given
moment. In this mode there is no chance for a deadlock situation.
Interrupt A means for a device to request service from another device.
Interrupt Handler A functional module that detects interrupt requests generated by
interrupters and performs appropriate actions.
Interrupter A device capable of asserting interrupts and responding to an interrupt
acknowledge cycle.
INTX Interrupt and Timing Extension; a daughter card option that plugs into the
two daughter card connectors on the VXI-MXI. It extendes the seven
VMEbus interrupt lines, the eight VXIbus TTL trigger lines, the VXIbus
CLK10 signal, and the VMEbus reset signals SYSRESET*, SYSFAIL*,
and ACFAIL*.
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
KB kilobytes of memory
Latch To sample a signal and remember its value.
LED light-emitting diode
Logical Address An 8-bit number that uniquely identifies the location of a VXIbus device's
configuration registers in a system. The A16 base address of a device is
C000h + Logical Address * 40h.
LSB Least Significant Bit (bit 0)