172 Integer Optimizations Chapter 8
25112 Rev. 3.06 September 2005
Software Optimization Guide for AMD64 Processors
mov edx, [esp+12] ; dividend_hi
mov eax, [esp+8] ; dividend_lo
test ecx, ecx ; divisor > (2^32 – 1)?
jnz big_divisor ; Yes, divisor > 2^32 – 1.
cmp edx, ebx ; Only one division needed (ECX = 0)?
jae two_divs ; Need two divisions.
div ebx ; EAX = quotient_lo
mov edx, ecx ; EDX = quotient_hi = 0 (quotient in EDX:EAX)
pop ebx ; Restore EBX as per calling convention.
ret ; Done, return to caller.
mov ecx, eax ; Save dividend_lo in ECX.
mov eax, edx ; Get dividend_hi.
xor edx, edx ; Zero-extend it into EDX:EAX.
div ebx ; quotient_hi in EAX
xchg eax, ecx ; ECX = quotient_hi, EAX = dividend_lo
div ebx ; EAX = quotient_lo
mov edx, ecx ; EDX = quotient_hi (quotient in EDX:EAX)
pop ebx ; Restore EBX as per calling convention.
ret ; Done, return to caller.
push edi ; Save EDI as per calling convention.
mov edi, ecx ; Save divisor_hi.
shr edx, 1 ; Shift both divisor and dividend right
rcr eax, 1 ; by 1 bit.
ror edi, 1
rcr ebx, 1
bsr ecx, ecx ; ECX = number of remaining shifts
shrd ebx, edi, cl ; Scale down divisor and dividend
shrd eax, edx, cl ; such that divisor is less than
shr edx, cl ; 2^32 (that is, it fits in EBX).
rol edi, 1 ; Restore original divisor_hi.
div ebx ; Compute quotient.
mov ebx, [esp+12] ; dividend_lo
mov ecx, eax ; Save quotient.
imul edi, eax ; quotient * divisor high word (low only)
mul dword ptr [esp+20] ; quotient * divisor low word
add edx, edi ; EDX:EAX = quotient * divisor
sub ebx, eax ; dividend_lo – (quot.*divisor)_lo
mov eax, ecx ; Get quotient.
mov ecx, [esp+16] ; dividend_hi
sbb ecx, edx ; Subtract (divisor * quot.) from dividend.
sbb eax, 0 ; Adjust quotient if remainder negative.
xor edx, edx ; Clear high word of quot. (EAX<=FFFFFFFFh).
pop edi ; Restore EDI as per calling convention.
pop ebx ; Restore EBX as per calling convention.
ret ; Done, return to caller.
_ulldiv ENDP