Chapter 13. Working with Templates
3. Name the VM, choose the NFS VHD SR under Storage, enable "Run Operating System Fixups"
and choose the NFS ISO SR.
4. Click Next, then Finish. A VM should be created.
Option two:
1. Run XenConvert, under From choose VHD, under To choose XenServer. Click Next.
2. Choose the VHD, then click Next.
3. Input the XenServer host info, then click Next.
4. Name the VM, then click Next, then Convert. A VM should be created.
Once you have a VM created from the Hyper-V VHD, prepare it using the following steps:
1. Boot the VM, uninstall Hyper-V Integration Services, and reboot.
2. Install XenServer Tools, then reboot.
3. Prepare the VM as desired. For example, run sysprep on Windows VMs. See Section 13.10,
“Creating a Windows Template”.
Either option above will create a VM in HVM mode. This is fine for Windows VMs, but Linux VMs may
not perform optimally. Converting a Linux VM to PV mode will require additional steps and will vary by
1. Shut down the VM and copy the VHD from the NFS storage to a web server; for example, mount
the NFS share on the web server and copy it, or from the XenServer host use sftp or scp to upload
it to the web server.
2. In CloudPlatform, create a new template using the following values:
• URL. Give the URL for the VHD
• OS Type. Use the appropriate OS. For PV mode on CentOS, choose Other PV (32-bit) or Other
PV (64-bit). This choice is available only for XenServer.
• Hypervisor. XenServer
• Format. VHD
The template will be created, and you can create instances from it.
13.13. Adding Password Management to Your Templates
CloudPlatform provides an optional password reset feature that allows users to set a temporary admin
or root password as well as reset the existing admin or root password from the CloudPlatform UI.
To enable the Reset Password feature, you will need to download an additional script to patch your
template. When you later upload the template into CloudPlatform, you can specify whether reset
admin/root password feature should be enabled for this template.
The password management feature works always resets the account password on instance boot. The
script does an HTTP call to the virtual router to retrieve the account password that should be set. As
long as the virtual router is accessible the guest will have access to the account password that should
be used. When the user requests a password reset the management server generates and sends a