Chapter 10. Setting Up Networking for Users
2. If you are changing from a network offering that uses the CloudPlatform virtual router to one
that uses external devices as network service providers, you must first stop all the VMs on the
network. See Section 11.7, “Stopping and Starting VMs”.
3. In the left navigation, choose Network.
4. Click the name of the network you want to modify.
In the Details tab, click Edit.
6. In Network Offering, choose the new network offering, then click Apply.
A prompt is displayed asking whether you want to keep the existing CIDR. This is to let you know
that if you change the network offering, the CIDR will be affected.
If you upgrade between virtual router as a provider and an external network device as provider,
acknowledge the change of CIDR to continue, so choose Yes.
7. Wait for the update to complete. Don’t try to restart VMs until the network change is complete.
8. If you stopped any VMs, restart them.
10.5.3. Creating and Changing a Virtual Router Network Offering
To create the network offering in association with a virtual router system service offering:
1. Log in to the CloudPlatform UI as a user or admin.
2. First, create a system service offering, for example: VRsystemofferingHA.
For more information on creating a system service offering, see Section 9.2.1, “Creating a New
System Service Offering”.
3. From the Select Offering drop-down, choose Network Offering.
4. Click Add Network Offering.
5. In the dialog, make the following choices:
• Name. Any desired name for the network offering.
• Description. A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users.
• Network Rate. Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second.
• Traffic Type. The type of network traffic that will be carried on the network.
• Guest Type. Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared. For a description of these
terms, see Section 10.2, “About Virtual Networks”.
• Specify VLAN. (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN should be specified
when this offering is used.
• Supported Services. Select one or more of the possible network services. For some services,
you must also choose the service provider; for example, if you select Load Balancer, you can
choose the CloudPlatform virtual router or any other load balancers that have been configured
in the cloud. Depending on which services you choose, additional fields may appear in the rest
of the dialog box. For more information, see Section 10.5.1, “Creating a New Network Offering”