Creating VMs
Once a virtual machine is destroyed, it cannot be recovered. All the resources used by the virtual
machine will be reclaimed by the system. This includes the virtual machine’s IP address.
A stop will attempt to gracefully shut down the operating system, which typically involves terminating
all the running applications. If the operation system cannot be stopped, it will be forcefully terminated.
This has the same effect as pulling the power cord to a physical machine.
A reboot is a stop followed by a start.
CloudPlatform preserves the state of the virtual machine hard disk until the machine is destroyed.
A running virtual machine may fail because of hardware or network issues. A failed virtual machine is
in the down state.
The system places the virtual machine into the down state if it does not receive the heartbeat from the
hypervisor for three minutes.
The user can manually restart the virtual machine from the down state.
The system will start the virtual machine from the down state automatically if the virtual machine is
marked as HA-enabled.
11.4. Creating VMs
Virtual machines are usually created from a template. Users can also create blank virtual machines.
A blank virtual machine is a virtual machine without an OS template. Users can attach an ISO file and
install the OS from the CD/DVD-ROM.
You can create a VM without starting it. You can determine whether the VM needs to be started
as part of the VM deployment. A new request parameter, startVM, is introduced in the deployVm
API to support this feature. For more information, see the Developer's Guide
11.4.1. Creating a VM from a template
1. Log in to the CloudPlatform UI as an administrator or user.