Chapter 1 Login and Logout
This chapter describes how to open and close the ROR console.
Before opening the ROR console, be sure to read through the following instructions and restrictions.
- When accessing the ROR console using Internet Explorer 8 or 9, be sure to enable the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer. Select
[View]-[Encoding] in Internet Explorer, and check if [Auto-Select] is checked. If [Auto-Select] is not checked, select it.
- When downloading files using the ROR console, it is necessary to disable [Do not save encrypted pages to disk] in the Advanced
Settings of the browser.
- The ROR console uses the Web browser's standard fonts and is designed to be viewed in a window of 1024 by 768 pixels or larger.
When using a monitor with a higher resolution than this, it is recommended to enlarge the screen size. If the Web browser is resized
by a significant amount, the display quality may deteriorate.
- The ROR console uses JavaScript, Active Script, Cookies, and IFRAMEs. These must be enabled in the Web browser settings before
using the ROR console. Use SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0.
- Specify either one of the following for the Web browser pop-up blocker:
- Disable the pop-up blocker
- Add the URL of the ROR Console to the Address of web site to allow setting.
Check with the system administrator for the URL of the ROR Console.
- Surrogate pair characters cannot be used on the ROR Console.
- When opening the ROR console right after launching a Web browser, a warning window concerning the site's security certificate will
be displayed.
With Internet Explorer 8 or 9, the following message is displayed: "There is a problem with this web site's security certificate." This
warns the user that Resource Orchestrator uses a self-signed certificate to encrypt its HTTPS (SSL) communication with the Web
Resource Orchestrator generates a unique, self-signed certificate for each admin server during manager installation.
Within a firewall-protected intranet, a network where the risk of identity theft is low, or where all correspondents are trusted, there is
no risk in using self-signature certificates for communications. Accept the warning to display the Resource Orchestrator login screen.
With Internet Explorer 8 or 9, the login screen can be displayed by selecting the following option: "Continue to this web site (not
- When connecting to the manager from Internet Explorer 8 or 9, the background of the address bar will become red and the words
"Certificate Error" will be displayed on the right side of the address bar of the login screen, the ROR console, and BladeViewer.
Furthermore, the Phishing Filter may show a warning on the status bar. These warnings are referring to the same self-signed certificate
issue discussed in the previous bullet. It is safe to continue with the current browser settings.
- To stop displaying the security certificate warning screen and the certificate error icon, create a certificate associated with the IP
address or hostname of the admin server and add it to the Web browser.
A login window with a URL differing from the address bar's URL in which the IP address or host name (FQDN) may be displayed
depending on the OS configuration. There are no problems with using the displayed window.
Refer to "Appendix B HTTPS Communication" in the "Design Guide VE" for details.
Opening the ROR Console
This section explains how to access the ROR console.
Add the URL of the ROR console to the "Trusted sites" of the browser.
Start a Web browser from an admin client and specify the URL of the ROR console for connection.
If the port number was changed, specify the new port number.
When Single Sign-On has been configured, the login window for Single Sign-On will be displayed. However, when Single Sign-On
authentication has already been performed, the ROR console can be started without displaying the login window.
When Single Sign-On is not configured, the login window for Resource Orchestrator will be displayed.
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