Fujitsu V3.1.0 Server User Manual

PRIMEQUEST Server Management Data
- Section Name
Enter [PRIMERGYPartitionModelServer] as the section name.
- Section Header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the chassis name (the value of "chassis_name" in the [PRIMERGYPartitionModelChassis] section).
The number of a partition. Enter a number between 0 and 3.
Enter the resource name that will be used to identify the server. Enter a character string beginning with an alphabetical character
and containing up to 15 alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). If enclosed by parentheses "( )", this server will be seen as
being in a switched over state, and this line will be ignored when importing the system definition file.
Server names should be unique between all servers. Names are not case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set within the server's operating system.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Specify the boot option configured from BIOS when installing the OS.
- When installing using a legacy boot
- When installing using UEFI
Server Blade VLAN Data
- Section Name
Enter [ServerNet] as the section name.
- Section Header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
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