Panasonic DA-PC700 All in One Printer User Manual

11.2 PCL 6 Settings
2 Sided Print Sets two-sided printing.
Available options:
Off *
On (with another set of options of Flip on Short Edge and Flip on Long Edge*)
Font Sets the font to be the default.
Available options (00 - 80):
00 - CG Times - (CG Times)
01 - CG Times It - (CG Times Italic)
02 - CG Times Bd - (CG Times Bold)
03 - CG Times BdIt - (CG Times Bold Italic)
04 - Univers Md - (Univers Medium)
05 - Univers MdIt - (Univers Medium Italic)
06 - Univers Bd - (Univers Bold)
07 - Univers BdIt - (Univers Bold Italic)
08 - Univers MdCd - (Univers Medium Condensed)
09 - Univers MdCdIt - (Univers Medium Condensed Italic)
10 - Univers BdCd - (Univers Bold Condensed)
11 - Univers BdCdIt - (Univers Bold Condensed Italic)
12 - AntiqueOlv - (Antique Olive)
13 - AntiqueOlv It - (Antique Olive Italic)
14 - AntiqueOlv Bd - (Antique Olive Bold)
15 - CG Omega - (CG Omega)
16 - CG Omega It - (CG Omega Italic)
17 - CG Omega Bd - (CG Omega Bold)
18 - CG Omega BdIt - (CG Omega Bold Italic)
19 - Garamond Antiqua - (Garamond Antiqua)
20 - Garamond Krsv - (Garamond Kursiv)
21 - Garamond Hlb - (Garamond Halbfett)
22 - Garamond KrsvHlb - (Garamond Kursiv Halbfett)
23 - Courier * - (Courier)
24 - Courier It - (Courier Italic)
25 - Courier Bd - (Courier Bold)
26 - Courier BdIt - (Courier Bold Italic)
27 - LetterGothic - (Letter Gothic)
28 - LetterGothic It - (Letter Gothic Italic)
29 - LetterGothic Bd - (Letter Gothic Bold)
30 - Albertus Md - (Albertus Medium)
31 - Albertus Xb - (Albertus Extra Bold)
32 - Clarendon Cd - (Clarendon Condensed)
33 - Coronet - (Coronet)
34 - Marigold - (Marigold)
35 - Arial - (Arial)
36 - Arial It - (Arial Italic)
37 - Arial Bd - (Arial Bold)
38 - Arial BdIt - (Arial Bold Italic)
39 - Times New - (Times New Roman)
40 - Times New It - (Times New Roman Italic)
Menu Item Description
* factory setting