Q-Logic 8100 SERIES Network Cables User Manual

6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Converged Network Adapter
Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment
6-44 FE0254601-00 A
mode Integer or
Specifies a bonding policy balance-rr
or 0
balance-rr or
0—Round-robin policy
transmits packets in
sequential order from
the first available slave
through the last. This
mode provides load
balancing and fault tol-
active-backup or
1—Active-backup pol-
icy specifies that only
one slave in the bond is
active. A different slave
becomes active if and
only if the active slave
fails. The bond's MAC
address is externally
visible on only one port
(network adapter) to
avoid confusing the
primary String A string (eth0, eth2, . . .) spec-
ifying which slave is the pri-
mary device. The specified
device is always the active
slave while it is available.
Alternate devices are used
only when the primary device
is offline. This parameter is
useful when one slave is pre-
ferred over another for rea-
sons such as higher
throughput. The primary value
is valid only for active-backup
None ethX
Table 6-4. Linux Bonding Driver Parameters (Continued)
Unit Description
Allowed Values