SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993
user. Digits may also be deleted from the front of
the dialed number.
6.13 LCR Station Access Priority Assign-
ments. Each station port defined in the system
may be assigned to one of four station priority
groups. The groups can have varying access to
the defined call routes at different times of day.
Each group is partitioned from the other groups.
6.20 Conditions
6.21 A number of conditions apply to LCR as-
signments. A summary of each is listed here.
Paragraph 7, Completing the Least Cost Routing
Record Sheets, gives more detailed explanations
and examples of how the conditions relate to the
programming process.
6.22 If a station has direct CO appearances or
pooled CO line buttons programmed to allow
direct outgoing line access, LCR will be bypassed
using the pooled line or a CO line button.
6.23 LCR accommodates special code dialing,
such as 911 for emergency response, I-411 or
411 for information, or 800 area code toll-free
numbers. These calls can be directed to the local
call route. Examples are given in Paragraph 4
(see Program 50-31 - 35).
Always provide emergency service ac-
cess for numbers such as 911.
6.24 Basic System Record programs related to
LCR include:
Program 16 defines which outgoing CO lines
are assigned to CO line groups 81 - 88.
Program 40 denies a station complete CO line
access. This also applies to LCR.
Program 41 restricts outgoing CO line calls to
selected stations. These stations may make
outgoing calls through LCR.
6.25 Standard telephones that are Toll Restricted
should be required to use LCR to place outgoing
calls. This prevents Toll Restriction defeat when
the QRCU (in DK8) or K4RCU (in DK16) times out.
Allstations using LCR should be ALLOWED
CO line access in Program 40, and DENIED
CO line access in Program 41.
7.01 The following instructions explain comple-
tion of the System Record Sheets used to pro-
gram LCR. Instructions are arranged in the same
order as data tables in the Least Cost Routing
System Record The instructions are intended to
give a concise, general definition of LCR charac-
teristics defined by each record sheet.
1. On each record sheet, enter required
data in the space provided to make a
selection, unless otherwise specified.
2. The initialized state and considerations
are documented on the record sheet.
7.10 LCR CO Line Programming Reference Chart
7.11 This chart is intended for reference only.
Information relevant to LCR is compiled here from
Basic System Programming.
1) Under the column labeled “CO Lines in Group
(01 - 08),” enter the numbers of the CO lines
assigned to groups 81 - 84 (for STRATA
DK8) or 81 - 88 (for STRATA DK16). Refer
to the completed record sheet in Program 16
for this information.
2) Under the column labeled “CO Line Type/
Comments,” enter the service type, the com-
mon carrier name, or the line type for each
line group, e.g., local line, Foreign Exchange
(FX) to 818 (LA), WATS (out of state), etc.
3) Refer to Basic System Record, Program 40,
to restrict stations from incoming and outgo-
ing access of CO lines, including using LCR.
All stations that must use LCR to make
outgoing calls must NOT be restricted in this
program. These restrictions doapply to LCR.