373XXA MM B-9
Error Message Description
GET received during PM recep
Generated when the GPIB Command ‘Group Execute Trigger’ is received during the
reception of a program message but before its proper termination with the end mes
sage. The partial program message up to but not including the ‘Group Execute Trig
ger’ will be executed. Execution of the Group Execute Trigger and any subsequent
program message elements received before the end message will be skipped.
Not permitted in a DDT com
mand sequence
When executing a defined device trigger command sequence, a forbidden command
was detected.
Too much Arbitrary Block data The arbitrary block supplied contained more data than was necessary for the currently
defined 373XXA state. This can occur when graph types, start/stop frequencies or
data points are changed.
Insufficient Arbitrary Block data The arbitrary block supplied did not have enough data for the currently defined
373XXA state. This can occur when graph types, start/stop frequencies or data points
are changed.
Invalid parameter for current
graph type
An attempt was made to program a non-existent parameter for the current graph type.
For instance, a Smith chart does not have a reference or reference line position (mne-
monics OFF and REF).
Parameter out of range An attempt was made to program an out of integer range value for a parameter. This
error is detected by the GPIB MANAGER when converting and rounding to the appro-
priate integral size (signed/unsigned char/short or long).
Parameter value not permitted A parameter value was not found in the list of permissible values for that parameter.
CW marker sweep not permitted
in time domain
The mnemonics M1C, M2C, M3C, M4C, M5C and M6C are forbidden in time domain.
Parameter unavailable in fre
quency domain
The mnemonic ODV and OTV are forbidden in frequency domain.
Port 2 Test Attenuator (OPT 6)
not installed
The mnemonic TA2 is forbidden when the attenuator is not installed.
Time Domain (OPT 2) not in
An attempt was made to use one of the time domain mnemonics when the option is
not installed.
Return to Local not permitted in
Local Lockout
The mnemonic RTL failed due to being in the Local Lockout mode.
Calibration does not exist An attempt was made to turn on flat power correction or vector error correction when
the corresponding calibration does not exist.
Cal term not available An attempt was made to get a calibration term which does not exist for the current
calibration type.
Table B-3. GPIB-Related Error Messages (2 of 8)