Where kW is two times the number of window terms
(for example, four for a two-term window)
For a 40 GHz sweep range with 1601 data points, the
unaliased range is 40.025 nanoseconds.
For a 65 GHz sweep with 1601 data points, the unaliased
range is 24.646 nanoseconds.
Frequency with Time Gate: Data that has been con
verted to time domain and selected by the application of
gating function may be converted back to the frequency
domain. This allows the display of the frequency response
of a single element contained in the device under test. Fre
quency response accuracy is a function of window and
gate type, and gate width. For a full reflection, minimum
gate and window accuracy is within 0.2 dB of the ungated
response over a 40 GHz range.
The graphs on pages D-13 through D-15 give measure
ment accuracy after 12-term vector error correction. The
errors are worst case contributions of residual directivity,
load and source match, frequency response, isolation, net-
work analyzer dynamic accuracy, and connector repeatabil-
ity. In preparing the following graphs, 10 Hz IF bandwidth
and averaging of 512 points were used (measured at
23±3° C). Changes in the IF bandwidth or averaging can
result in variations at low levels.
OPTION 1, Rack Mounting: Rack mount kit containing a
set of track slides (90 tilt capability), mounting ears, and
front panel handles to let the instrument be mounted in a
standard 19-inch equipment rack.
OPTION 1A, Rack Mounting: Rack mounting kit contain
ing a set of mounting ears and hardware to permanently
mount instrument in a standard 19-inch equipment rack.
OPTION 2, High Speed Time (Distance) Domain
Measurement Capability
OPTION 4, External SCSI-2 Hard Disk Drive Compatibil
ity: Provides SCSI-2 rear panel connector for connection
of an external SCSI HDD. Remove internal HDD.
OPTION 7A/N/NF/S/K, Universal Test Port Configura
tion Replaces Universal/K Connector (standard) with:
7A - Universal/GPC-7
7N - Universal/N, male
7NF - Universal/N, female
7S - Universal/3.5 mm, male
OPTION 10A, High Stability Time Base: Replaces the
standard temperature compensated crystal oscillator (with
a temperature stability of 1ppm overa0to55°C
range)with an ovenized crystal oscillator (aging stability of
/day and temperature stability5x10
°C range). Adds 1 Hz frequency resolution.
37200A Upgrade to a higher frequency 37200A.
37200A Upgrade to an equivalent or higher frequency
37200B Upgrade to a higher frequency 37200B.
37200B Upgrade to an equivalent or higher frequency
37300A Upgrade to a higher frequency 37300A.
Please call your Anritsu representatives for pricing and de
Option ES 31: 3 year on-site repair.
Option ES 37: 3 year on-site verification
Option ES 38: 3 year on-site Mil-Std verification
Option ES 51: 5 year on-site repair.
Extended Service Options Additional, two year and four
year return to Anritsu service is available, as an option for
373XXA systems and components. Prices and details are
available from your Sales Representative or by contacting
the factory.
3650 SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit
Option 1: Male and Female Sliding Terminations
3651 GPC-7 Calibration Kit
Option 1: Sliding Terminations
3652 K Connector Calibration Kit
Option 1: Male and Female Sliding Terminations
3653 Type N Calibration Kit
3654B Type V Calibration Kit; includes male & female
sliding terminations
Economy (8.6 GHz)
3750 SMA Calibration Kit
3751 GPC-7 Calibration Kit
3753 Type N, 50 W, Calibration Kit
3753-75 Type N, 75 , Calibration Kit
3663 Type N Verifications Kit
3666 3.5 mm Verifications Kit
3667 GPC–7 Verifications Kit
3668 K Connector Verifications Kit
3669B V Connector Verifications Kit
3670A50-1, DC to 18 GHz, GPC–7 connectors, 1 foot
long, two required.
3670A50-2, DC to 18 GHz, GPC–7 connectors, 2 feet
3670K50-1, DC to 40 GHz, K connectors, 1 foot long,
male/female, two required.
3670K50-2, DC to 40 GHz, K connectors, 2 feet long,
373XXA MM D-11