Perform the following steps:
Equipment Required
Refer to Table 1-1, located on page 1-9, for further information about
the following equipment:
HP 437B Power Meter with HP 8487A Power Sensor
ANRITSU ML24XXA with Version 2.02 or later, with ANRITSU
Power Sensors MA2474A and SC6230 for 50 and 65 GHz units.
Gigatronics 8541/8542 with 80304A Power Sensor
GPIB cable, WILTRON 2100-2, or equivalent
Allow the 373XXA and power meter to warm-up at least 30
minutes prior to performing calibration.
65 GHz Power Sensor Setup Procedure
The Anritsu SC6230 Power Sensor has an internal frequency calibra-
tion factors table. The ML24XX meter settings must be changed so
that the table will be used for frequencies above 50 GHz. To configure
the meter for the new calibration factors table, proceed as follows:
Step 1.
Press the Sensor key then Cal Factor softkey.
Step 2.
Press the More softkey.
Step 3.
Press the Use Table sofkey. Cursor will start blinking.
Step 4.
Press 1 then the Enter softkey.
Step 5. Press the System key to exit.
Step 1. Press the Option Menu key (Enhancement key group) to
display the OPTIONS menu.
Step 2.
Select DIAGNOSTICS from menu; then select in se
373XXA MM 6-9