Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
Federal Communications Commission
Forced Entry of Account Codes
A specifically defined function or service that the system provides.
feature button
A labeled button on a telephone or an attendant console that provides access to a specific feature.
See front-end processor (FEP)
fiber optics
A technology that uses materials that transmit ultra-wideband electromagnetic light-frequency ranges for high-capacity
carrier systems.
Facility interface codes
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
An Internet protocol standard that is used to copy files from one computer to another. See also Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP).
A term for trunk allocation. In a fixed allocation scheme, the time slots that are necessary to support a wideband call are
contiguous, and the first time slot is constrained to certain starting points. See also flexible; floating.
A term for trunk allocation. In a flexible allocation scheme, the time slots of a wideband call can occupy noncontiguous
positions within a single T1 facility or a single E1 facility. See also
fixed; floating.
A term for trunk allocation. In a floating allocation scheme, the time slots of a wideband call are contiguous, but the
position of the first time slot is not fixed. See also fixed; flexible.
foreign numbering-plan area (FNPA).
foreign exchange (FX)
A central office (CO) other than the CO that provides local access to the public telephone network.
foreign-exchange trunk
A telecommunications channel that directly connects the system to a central office (CO) other than the local CO for the
foreign numbering-plan area (FNPA)
Any other numbering plan area (NPA) that is outside the geographic NPA where the customer’s number is located. See
numbering plan area (NPA).
foreign numbering-plan area code (FNPAC)
An area code other than the local area code, that a user must dial to call outside the local geographical area.
See facilities restriction level (FRL).
front-end processor (FEP)
A computer that is under the control of another larger computer in a network. The larger computer is usually a mainframe.