C H A P T E R 9
EnhancingSMARTNotebooksoftware withadd-ons
139 smarttech.com/kb/170496
Disabling and removing add-ons
In some situations, you might want to disable orremove a previously installed add-on.
If you choose to disable an add-on, the add-on no longer appears in SMARTNotebook software but is
still installed on your computer. You can subsequently enable the add-on.
If you choose to remove an add-on, the add-on no longer appears in SMARTNotebook software and
is removed from your computer.
To disable an add-on
1. Select Add-ons > Manage Add-ons.
The Add-on Manager appears.
2. Press the add-on’s name.
3. Press Disable.
To enable the add-on again, press Enable.
To remove an add-on
1. Select Add-ons > Manage Add-ons.
The Add-on Manager appears.
2. Press the add-on’s name.
3. Press Remove.
You’re unable to remove the Activity Builder add-on.