C H A P T E R 5
60 smarttech.com/kb/170496
Cloning objects
You can create a duplicate of an object by using the Clone command, or you can create multiple
copies of an object using the Infinite Cloner command.
You can also copy and paste objects, including text, images, straight lines, arcs and shapes (see
Cutting, copying andpasting objects on the previous page).
To clone an object
1. Select the object.
2. Press the object’s menu arrow, and then select Clone.
A duplicate object appears on the page.
To clone an object using the Infinite Cloner
1. Select the object.
2. Press the object’s menu arrow, and then select Infinite Cloner.
3. Select the object again.
An infinity symbol appears instead of the object’s menu arrow.
4. Drag the object to another position on the page.
5. Repeat step 4 as many times as you want.
6. When you finish cloning the object, select the original object.
7. Press the infinity symbol, and then clear the selection of Infinite Cloner.
Resizing objects
You can resize objects on a page by using the resize handle or the scale gesture (if your interactive
product supports multitouch gestures).
You’re unable to resize an object if it’s locked in place (see Locking objects on page 96).