Smart Technologies 11.2 Laptop User Manual

C H A P T E R 6
Inserting, organizing andsharingcontent
To copy content from another program
1. In the other program, select the content you want to copy, and then select Edit > Copy.
In SMARTNotebook software, press Paste .
Importing files from other interactive whiteboard programs
You can import content into .notebook files from a variety of sources, including other interactive
whiteboard programs.
If the other interactive whiteboard programs support the Interactive Whiteboard Common File Format
(CFF), you can export a CFF file from those programs and then import that CFF file into
SMARTNotebook software.
You can also export CFF files (see Exporting files on page 13).
To import CFF files
1. Select File > Import > All Common File Format Files (.IWB).
A dialog box appears.
2. Browse to and select the file you want to import.
3. Press Open.
The file opens.
Inserting Internet browsers
You can insert an Internet browser into a .notebook page. In the Internet browser, you can browse to
and display web pages. You can modify the Internet browser like any other object in
SMARTNotebook software (see Working with objects on page 49).
When you resize an Internet browser, the Internet browser’s content scales automatically so that
you always see the entire web page that you are viewing.