C H A P T E R 6
Inserting, organizing andsharingcontent
83 smarttech.com/kb/170496
7. Select My Content (or one of its subcategories) in the Gallery’s category list, press its menu
arrow, and then select Add to My Content.
The Open dialog box appears.
8. Browse to and select the item that you saved in step 5.
9. Press Open.
To add a supported file to the Gallery
If the Gallery isn’t visible, press Gallery .
2. Select My Content (or one of its subcategories) in the Gallery’s category list, press its menu
arrow, and then select Add to My Content.
The Open dialog box appears.
3. Browse to and select the item you want to add to the Gallery.
4. Press Open.
By default, SMARTNotebook software names the new Gallery item based on the original file
name. If you want to change the item’s name, select the Gallery item’s thumbnail, press its
menu arrow, and then select Rename.
Organizing content in the Gallery
As you add objects, pages and supported files to the My Content category in the Gallery, you may
want to reorganize the category’s structure. You can create subcategories and move Gallery items
between subcategories.
To create a subcategory
If the Gallery isn’t visible, press Gallery .
2. Select My Content (or one of its subcategories) in the Gallery’s category list, press its menu
arrow, and then select New Folder.
A new subcategory appears.
3. Type a name for the new subcategory, and then press RETURN.