C H A P T E R 5
65 smarttech.com/kb/170496
Flipping objects
You can flip an object on a page.
You’re unable to flip an object if it’s locked in place (see Locking objects on page 96).
To flip an object
1. Select the object.
2. Press the object’s menu arrow, and then select Flip > Up/Down or Flip > Left/Right.
To flip multiple objects
1. Select the objects.
2. Press the menu arrow on any one of the selected objects, and then select Flip > Up/Down or
Flip > Left/Right.
Grouping objects
You can create a group of objects, which lets you interact with all grouped items at the same time.
After you create a group, you can select, move, rotate or resize the group as if it were an individual
object. However, if you want to interact with an individual object in a group, you must ungroup the
objects first.
Grouping objects manually
You can group and ungroupobjects manually using the menu or the shake gesture.
Using the menu
To group objects
1. Select the objects.
2. Press the menu arrow of any one of the selected objects, and then select Group > Group.
To ungroup objects
1. Select the group.
2. Press the group’s menu arrow, and then select Group > Ungroup.