C H A P T E R 6
Inserting, organizing andsharingcontent
85 smarttech.com/kb/170496
To export a collection file to share with other teachers
1. Select the category that contains the items you want to save in a collection.
SMARTNotebook software exports the selected category but doesn’t export any of its
2. Press the category’s menu arrow, and then select Export as Collection File.
The Save dialog box appears.
3. Browse to the folder where you want to save the collection file.
4. Type a name for the file in the Save As box.
5. Press Save.
Connecting to Team Content categories
The Team Content categories feature enables you to connect to Gallery content in a shared location
on your school’s network. Multiple teachers can connect to the same folder. SMARTNotebook
software automatically updates your changes for all other teachers.
Your access permissions for the Team Content category are the same as your folder access
permissions on your school’s network. If you have full access to a folder on the network, you can
add or remove items in that folder’s Team Content category. However, if you have read-only
access to the folder, you can copy items from the Team Content category, but you’re unable to add,
edit or remove items.
To connect to a Team Content category
If the Gallery isn’t visible, press Gallery .
Press Click here for more Gallery options , and then select Connect to Team Content.
The Connect to Team Content dialog box appears.
3. Browse to and select the folder containing the Team Content category you want to connect to,
and then press Open.
The Team Content category appears in the Gallery.