C H A P T E R 3
Creatingand workingwithpages
19 smarttech.com/kb/170496
To insert a page using the Page Sorter
If the Page Sorter isn’t visible, press Page Sorter .
2. Select the thumbnail of the page you want the new page to appear after.
3. Press the thumbnail’s menu arrow, and then select Insert Blank Page.
The new page appears after the selected page.
Cloning pages
As an alternative to creating a blank page, you can create a duplicate (or “clone”) of an existing page.
You can clone apage only if it contains content.
To clone a page
If the Page Sorter isn’t visible, press Page Sorter .
2. Select the thumbnail of the page you want to clone.
3. Press the thumbnail’s menu arrow, and then select Clone Page.
The cloned pageappears immediately after the current page.
You can repeat this process as many times as you want.
Extending pages
If you need more room at the bottom of a page, you can extend the page vertically without affecting
the page’s width. You can turn this feature off to prevent your pages from becoming longer.
To extend a page
1. If you’re displaying the page in Entire Page view, select a different zoom level.
2. Press the Extend Page link at the bottom of the page.