
C H A P T E R 6
Inserting, organizing andsharingcontent
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Inserting AdobeFlash Player compatible video files
You can insert AdobeFlash Player compatible video files into a page.
SMARTNotebook software supports the AdobeFlash Player compatible video file (FLV) format. If
you want SMARTNotebook software to support other file types, you can install additional encoders
(see Installing encoders for additional formats on the next page).
To insert an AdobeFlash Player compatible video file
1. Select Insert > Video.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Browse to and select the AdobeFlash Player compatible video file that you want to insert into
the page.
3. Press Open.
Inserting sound files
You can attach a sound file to any object (except AdobeFlash Player compatible objects) in a
.notebook file. For more information, see Adding sounds to objects on page94.
Working with multimedia files
When you insert a multimedia file in a .notebook file, the multimedia file becomes an object in the file.
Therefore, you can move, resize, rotate and make other changes to the multimedia file like any other
For information on how to work with objects, including multimedia files, in .notebook files, see
Working with objects on page 49.