Customizing marker labeling
You can set Sound Forge to automatically label new markers as they are created.
From the Options menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog appears.
Click the Labels tab.
In the Marker labels area, adjust the labeling controls as desired:
Control Description
Label Markers Select this check box if you want Sound Forge to automatically name markers when
you insert them during playback or recording.
Prefix Type a prefix in the box if you want Sound Forge to assign a name to new markers
when you insert a marker during playback or recording. Clear the box if you do not
want to include a prefix (if you want to number markers only, for example).
Use counter and start at Select this check box and type a number in the box if you want Sound Forge to
number new markers when you insert a marker during playback or recording.
Insert leading zeros in field Select this check box and specify a field width if you want to use leading zeros in
width of marker names when you insert a marker during playback or recording. For example, if
you specify a field width of 3, markers numbered 1 to 99 would be numbered 001 to
Click OK to close the Preferences dialog.
Changing the marker position
You can change a marker’s position by dragging it to a new location or by updating its position to the current cursor location. You can
also enter precise values to move a marker to a specific location.
Changing the marker position using drag-and-drop
Drag the marker tag ( ) to a new position on the data window ruler.
Release the mouse button. The marker is dropped at its new location.
Markers will snap to other markers, regions, and command markers. Hold Shift while dragging to override snapping.
Updating the marker position to the current cursor location
Place the cursor where you want to update the marker position to.
Right-click the marker tag ( ) and choose Update from the shortcut menu. The marker is moved to the current cursor location.
Moving the marker to a specific location
Right-click the marker tag ( ) and choose Edit from the shortcut menu. The Regions List window is displayed and the marker is
selected in the list.
Type a value in the Start box for the marker and press Enter. The marker is moved to the new location.
Deleting markers
Right-click the marker tag ( ) and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
Deleting all markers and regions
Right-click in the marker bar, choose Markers/Regions, and choose Delete All from the submenu. All markers and regions are removed.