Chapter 8
Recording and Extracting Audio
This chapter describes the processes for recording audio and extracting audio from a CD in Sound Forge® Pro software.
Recording audio
Sound Forge provides two central methods for recording: manual (normal) and automatic. In normal recording, you choose your
settings and control your recording session while you’re sitting at your PC. With automatic recording, you can choose your settings and
set your trigger parameters for recording automatically—whether you’re at your PC or not. Sound Forge also allows you to record
multichannel audio if your audio device supports multiple inputs.
Specifying recording and playback options
Basic audio preferences
From the Options menu, choose Preferences and select the Audio tab to specify recording and playback options. For more information,
see Basic audio preferences on page 322.
Advanced audio preferences
The Advanced Audio Configuration dialog allows you to view information about and adjust settings for the playback or recording device
selected on the Preferences window (from the Options menu, choose Preferences) Audio tab. To view advanced preferences, click the
Advanced button. For more information, see Advanced audio preferences on page 323.