If you want to open a sample’s audio data, browse to an instrument file in the Explorer window. Click the down arrow next to the Views
button ( ) and choose Region View from the menu.
Each wave is then displayed at the bottom of the Explorer window. You can double-click a wave to open it as a wave file:
Previewing samples
Playback for musical instrument files behaves slightly differently than playback in a normal data window.
• If no samples are selected, click Play All (
) to play all samples in the data window. Click Play ( ) to play all samples from the
cursor position to the end of the data window.
• If you have samples selected, click Play All ( ) to play all selected samples in the data window. Click Play ( ) to play all selected
samples from the cursor position to the end of the data window.
Selecting samples
Each sample in an instrument file is contained within an event in the data window. The data window selection determines which parts
of the waveform will be processed.
Event positions are locked. You cannot move events within the data window.
Effects and processes can be applied to individual events or multiple selected events.
You can select an individual sample by clicking the event in the data window (hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple samples):
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