Automating effect parameters
When you add an effect that supports automation to the Plug-In Chainer, a list of the effect’s automatable parameters is displayed on
the right side of the window. You can use these controls to add, show/hide, and enable/bypass automation envelopes.
Plug-in parameters can be edited using the automation envelope in the data window.
Choosing a new effect chain preset will clear the current effect automation settings.
Adding an effect automation envelope
In the Plug-In Chainer, select the button ( ) for an effect that includes automatable parameters. The plug-in’s controls are
displayed, and a list of the effect’s automatable parameters is displayed on the right side of the Plug-In Chainer.
The Parameter Chooser is displayed on the right side of the Plug-In Chainer window when you add a plug-in that supports
automation. Click the Show Parameter Chooser button ( ) or press Ctrl+H to show or hide the chooser.
Select the Automate check box for each parameter you want to control with an envelope. An envelope is added to the data
window for each selected check box.
Adding a volume or panning envelope
Panning envelopes will have no effect on mono source data. Convert mono sound data to stereo before adding a panning envelope.
Click within a data window to give it focus.
Press V to add a volume envelope, or press P to add a panning envelope.
An envelope is added to the data window and the Sound Forge Volume or Sound Forge Pan plug-in is added to the Plug-In Chainer.
If the Plug-In Chainer is not visible, it will be opened.
If a data window already has a volume envelope, pressing P or V will hide the envelope.
Adjust volume or panning with the envelope in the data window.