Adjusting envelopes
When the Envelope tool ( ) on the main workspace is selected, you can add, remove, select or adjust envelope points on effect
automation envelopes.
The Edit tool (
) allows you to add, remove, or adjust envelope points, but you cannot select envelope points with the Edit tool.
By default, a new envelope will contain a single envelope point. If you want to adjust the overall level of an envelope, drag the envelope
up or down. A floating ToolTip will show you the envelope’s current setting.
If an envelope has multiple points, you can drag each point, or you can drag envelope segments up or down.
• Hold Ctrl while dragging an envelope point or segment to adjust the value in fine increments without changing the envelope points’
horizontal positions.
• Hold Ctrl+Alt while dragging an envelope point or segment to adjust the value in normal increments without changing the envelope
points’ horizontal positions.
• Hold Alt while dragging an envelope point to move the point's horizontal position without changing its value.
With the Envelope tool, you can drag horizontally to select multiple envelope points in the selected data window.
Adding envelope points
To create more complex envelopes, you will need to add points. To add an envelope point, double-click the envelope. You can then drag
and position the point as necessary.
To delete a point, right-click it and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
Flipping an envelope
You can flip an envelope to invert the envelope around its center. Volume, panning, and effect automation envelopes can be flipped.
Flipping all points
Right-click an envelope or a point. A shortcut menu is displayed.
Choose Flip All Points from the shortcut menu.
Flipping selected points
Create a time selection with the Envelope tool ( ) to select the points you want to flip.
Right-click an envelope in the time selection. A shortcut menu is displayed.
Choose Flip Selected Points from the shortcut menu.
Setting fade properties
You can adjust the fade curve for each envelope segment individually. To change the fade curve, right-click an envelope segment and
choose a fade command (such as Linear Fade or Fast Fade, for example) from the shortcut menu.