What is the Wave Hammer plug-in?
The Wave Hammer DirectX plug-in is an audio mastering tool consisting of a classic compressor and a volume maximizer.
The Wave Hammer tool can be used in any Microsoft DirectX-compatible host application (for example, Sound Forge and ACID® Pro
software), and the quality and functionality of the Wave Hammer plug-in is the same in each host application; however, the method of
previewing effects is different. Consult your host application’s documentation to determine the available previewing methods.
Displaying the Wave Hammer plug-in
To display the Wave Hammer tool, choose Wave Hammer from the Effects menu.
The Wave Hammer dialog
The Wave Hammer controls are divided into two tabs: Compressor and Volume Maximizer.
Compressor tab
The controls on the Compressor tab are used to compress the audio signal. When applied properly, compression reduces the dynamic
range of audio and allows you increase overall loudness. Compression has various uses. For example, applying heavy compression at a
low threshold to electric guitar produces distortion. The controls are explained below.
Control Description
Threshold The Threshold fader is used to adjust the audio level at which compression is applied. Audio
with levels higher than the Threshold value are compressed, while audio at levels lower than
this value pass through the compressor uninterrupted.
Ratio The Ratio slider determines the amount of compression applied to audio signals surpassing the
threshold. A ratio of 1:1 applies no compression to audio surpassing the threshold, while a ratio
of 2:1 requires a 2 dB increase in actual volume to raise the processed volume 1 dB. A ratio of
Inf:1 is considered a limiter.
Output gain
The Output gain fader allows you to determine how much the audio signal is boosted
following its compression.
Attack time The Attack time slider allows you to determine how soon after rising above the threshold the
audio signal is attenuated.
Release time The Release time slider allows you to determine how soon after falling below the threshold the
audio signal attenuation is interrupted.