Regions List shortcuts
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Play or stop the active marker or region Spacebar
Edit the active marker or region Enter
Delete the active marker or region Delete
Create region from the current selection R
Replicate selected region Ctrl+D
Update region to match selection Ctrl+U
Playlist/Cutlist shortcuts
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Play or stop the active playlist entry Spacebar
Edit the active playlist entry Enter
Delete the active playlist entry Delete
Add one to the active playlist entry play count + (plus sign) (not numeric
Subtract one from the active playlist entry play count - (minus sign) (not numeric
Add or remove a stop point on the active playlist entry Ctrl+E
Toggle pre-roll on and off for the playlist Ctrl+P
/ (forward slash) (not numeric
Add selected Regions List item to Playlist Ctrl+I
Replicate selected playlist region Ctrl+D
Script Editor shortcuts
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Create a new script Ctrl+N
Open a script Ctrl+O
Run script Ctrl+R
Compile script Ctrl+Shift+R
Save script Ctrl+S
Find next instance of last-searched text F3
Find previous instance of last-searched text Shift+F3
Find next instance of the selected text Ctrl+F3
Find previous instance of the selected text Ctrl+Shift+F3