Summary tab controls
The Summary tab provides information about the impulse file. The following section describes all controls located on the Summary tab.
Control Description
Impulse This control is identical to the Impulse drop-down list on the General tab. For more information,
see Impulse on page 216.
Dry Out This control is identical to the Dry Out fader on the General tab. For more information, see Dry
Out on page 216.
Wet Out This control is identical to the Wet Out fader on the General tab. For more information, see Wet
Out on page 216.
Quality/speed This control is identical to the Quality/speed check box on the General tab. For more
information, see Quality/speed on page 216.
Recover tab controls
The Recover tab is used in creating your own impulse files. For more information, see Creating impulse files on page 220. The following
section describes all controls located on the Recover tab.
Recorded file
Test file used
The Recorded file box allows you to select the file containing the test tone recorded in the field.
You can enter the path directly into the box or click Browse to locate and select a file.
The Test file used box allows you to select the file that was used as a test tone. You can enter
the path directly into the box or click Browse to locate and select a file.
You should use one of the test files included in the Acoustic Mirror Impulse Files\Test
Tone s folder on the Sound Forge application disc.
Impulse output
Remove very low frequencies
The Impulse output box allows you to specify where the recovered impulse response file is
saved. You can enter the path directly into the box or click Browse to locate and select a folder.
When you select this check box, very low frequencies (which are typically comprised of noise)
are removed from the impulse response. This increases the impulse response’s signal-to-noise
Recover Impulse Clicking the Recover Impulse button starts the impulse recovery process. After the process is
complete, an impulse file is created and saved in the folder specified in the Impulse output file
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