Saving plug-in chains
After you’ve set up an effect chain, you may want to save it for later use. When you save a plug-in chain, you not only save the order of
the effects in the chain but also the parameters of each individual effect.
Create an effects chain in the Plug-In Chainer window.
Type a name for the new chain in the Chain box.
). The new chain is saved in the Chain drop-down list.
Click the Save Chain Preset button (
Type a name in the
Chain box.
Click the Save Chain
Preset button to save
the new chain.
You can also save a chain preset by pressing Ctrl+S, typing a name for the preset, and pressing Enter.
Saving individual plug-in settings as a custom preset
After you have adjusted effect parameters in the Plug-In Chainer window, you can save your settings as a custom preset for later use.
You can select a custom saved preset from the Preset drop-down list to apply the same effect settings at a later time.
You also have the option of saving the entire chain as a chain preset. For more information, see Saving plug-in chains on page 200.
Effect automation envelope points are not saved with presets. If you are using effect automation envelopes and save a preset
during playback, the effect’s settings at the playback cursor position are saved.
Saving a preset for an individual Direct X plug-in
Adjust the effect parameters in the Plug-In Chainer window to achieve the effect you want.
Type a name for the new preset in the Preset box.
Click the Save Preset button ( ). The new preset is saved in the Preset drop-down list.
Saving a preset for an individual VST plug-in
Adjust the effect parameters in the Plug-In Chainer window to achieve the effect you want.
Type a name for the new preset in the Preset box.
Click the Save VST Preset As button ( ). The VST Preset dialog is displayed.
Browse to the folder where you want to save the .fxp file and type a name in the File name box.
Click the Save button. The current plug-in settings are saved in the .fxp file.
Saving a bank of VST plug-in presets
Adjust the effect parameters in the Plug-In Chainer window to achieve the effect you want.
Click the Save VST Bank As button ( ). The Save VST Preset Bank dialog is displayed.
Browse to the folder where you want to save the .fxb file and type a name in the File name box.
Click the Save button. All presets for the current plug-in are stored in the bank.