Assigning palette buttons
Perform either of the following actions to display the Tag Chooser dialog:
• Click an empty palette button.
• Click an existing button and choose Choose Tag from the shortcut menu.
Select the tag you want to assign to the button.
Click the OK button.
Clearing a button
Right-click a palette button and choose Clear from the shortcut menu.
Deleting a saved palette
Right-click a palette button and choose Delete Current Palette from the shortcut menu.
Click the OK button when prompted to delete the palette from your library.
Saving tags and properties to media files
Saving tags and properties to files makes all your organization portable: if tags and custom properties are saved to files, that information
will be preserved in the files and can be added to the library by selecting the Add tags and custom properties from files check box in
the Add Files to Media Library dialog.
Saving tags and properties to files affects only the current media library and libraries that you create after saving the information. If you
have multiple libraries, you can add embedded tags and custom columns to existing libraries by opening the desired library and
rescanning your media folders with the Add tags and custom properties from files check box selected in the Add Files to Media Library
dialog. Embedded file properties are also updated when you preview or add media to a project.
The following file formats can store this type of information internally:
• MP3
• Windows Media Format (WMA and WMV)
• WAV64
• Scott Studios
For other file types, the Media Manager tool will save metadata to an .sfl file (using the same base name as your media file).
Follow these steps to save tag and property information in your media file(s):
In the Search Results pane, select media files for which you want to save tags and properties:
• To select a single file, click the file.
• To select multiple consecutive files, click the first file, hold the Shift key, and then click the last item.
• To select multiple files that are not consecutive, hold the Ctrl key and click each file.
Click the Save Tags and Properties to File(s) button ( ) in the top right corner of the Search Results pane. Tags and other
information from the Search Results pane is saved for the selected file(s).
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