Select the Time Signature Change check box and make your Beats per measure and Beat value selections to change the time
signature at the marker position. The time ruler divisions and grid spacing will be updated accordingly.
Time signature changes must occur on the first beat of a measure. If your cursor is not on the first beat of a measure, the marker is
placed at the nearest measure.
Click OK. A marker appears in the marker bar at the cursor position that displays the change information.
New marker and
marker text
Editing tempo/key/time signature change markers
There are several ways to edit a tempo/key/time signature change marker:
• Position the cursor on or after the marker and adjust the Project Tempo, Project Time Signature, or Project Key controls. The
marker’s text reflects the change.
• Right-click the marker, choose Edit from the shortcut menu, and enter the appropriate change in the Tempo/Key/Time Signature
Change dialog.
• Double-click the marker text and type the new value.
• Double-click the marker and enter the appropriate change in the Tempo/Key/Time Signature Change dialog.
Adjusting tempo to match cursor to marker
Position the cursor, right-click the marker tab, and choose Adjust Tempo to Match Cursor to Marker from the shortcut menu. The
project tempo changes so that the cursor position matches the selected marker.
Deleting tempo/key/time signature change markers
To delete a marker, right-click the marker and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
Using a tempo curve to change tempo between markers
When you add a tempo change marker to the timeline, you can choose to change tempo gradually between markers. Tempo curves are
perfect for ramping tempo up or down.
Add a tempo change marker to the timeline or double-click a tempo-change marker to edit an existing marker.
Choose a setting from the Transition type drop-down list to indicate how ACID will interpolate tempo between markers:
Option Description Looks Like
Hold No tempo change will take place. The tempo settings will be
maintained until the next tempo change marker.
Tempo change parameters are interpolated in a linear path.
Tempo change parameters are interpolated in a fast logarithmic
Tempo change parameters are interpolated in a slow
logarithmic path.
Tempo change parameters are interpolated along a smooth,
natural curve.
Tempo change parameters are interpolated along a sharp
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