Appendix C Functional Description C-39
Turning the System Unit Off
The system unit can be turned off in the following ways:
■ Type power-off from shell window (this does a graceful shutdown)
■ Halt system and type power-off from the OBP
■ Activate Energy Star
■ Press the keyboard Shift and Power key simultaneously from the OBP
■ Press power switch on front of system unit
Note – Energy Star powers off the system only after a period of inactivity and will
turn the system back on if set by the user. Energy Star can only be set to be on
during a certain time frame, such as from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. and only comes back on
through: TOD, keyboard, or power switch. Energy Star is not a part of the operating
system and must be loaded by the user.
C.2.1.3 System Unit Power Budget
The following subsections present the system unit power budgets.
CPU Modules
TABLE C-10 lists the power estimate for the single and dual 300-MHz (3.3-ns) CPU