Uniden BCT15 Scanner User Manual

C er tifi cated acc ordance w ith F CC Rules and R egul ations Part 15 Subpart C as of
date of manufacture.
D ynam ic Allocat ion C apacit y
Sys tem s : 500 max
Groups : 20 per s ys tem
Site : 1000 max (All) 256 per sy st em
Channels : up to 2500
Channels per Trunked Sys tem : up to 250
Band C overage : 31 Bands
Frequenc y Range :
Range (MHz) Step (kHz) Mode
25.0000 to 26.9600 5 AM Pet roleum Prods & Bc st pic kup
26.9650 to 27.4050 5 AM CB Cl as s D Channel
27.4100 to 27.9950 5 AM Business & Forest Prods
28.0000 to 29.6800 20 NFM 10 Met er Amateur Band
29.7000 to 49.9900 10 NFM VH F Low Band
50.0000 to 53.9800 20 NFM 6 Met er Amateur Band
54.0000 to 71.9500 50 WFM V HF TV
72.0000 to 75.9950 5 FM Int ersy st em & As tronom y
76.0000 to 87.9500 50 WFM V HF TV
88.0000 to 107.9000 100 FMB FM Broadcas t
108.0000 to 136.9750 25 AM Aircraf t Band
137.0000 to 143.9875 12.5 NFM Milit ary Land M obile
144.0000 to 147.9950 5 NFM 2 Met er Am ateur Band
148.0000 to 150.7875 12.5 NFM Milit ary Land M obile
150.8000 to 161.9950 5 NFM VH F High Band
162.0000 to 173.9875 12.5 NFM Federal Gove rnm ent
174.0000 to 215.9500 50 WFM V HF TV
216.0000 to 224.9800 20 NFM 1.25 Met er Am ateur Band
225.0000 to 379.9750 25 AM Milit ary Aircraf t Band
380.0000 to 399.9875 12.5 NFM Milit ary Land M obile
400.0000 to 405.9875 12.5 NFM Miscellaneous
406.0000 to 419.9875 12.5 NFM Federal Gove rnm ent Land M obile
420.0000 to 449.9875 12.5 NFM 70 cm Am ateur Band
450.0000 to 469.9875 12.5 NFM UH F Standard Band
470.0000 to 512.0000 12.5 NFM UHF TV