[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a M ot oro la Type I, I I or E DACS Wide/Narrow system F
Edit Sys Option F
Emergency Alert F
Off — the scanner does not aler t you to emergency tr ansmissions.
Alert 1 - 9 the scanner s ounds an al er t beep to notify you of the emergency
transm i ssi on. The default alert is Off. You can choose any of 9 different beep
types. Once you choose an alert tone, next:
Set Level F
Auto — the scanne r a utomatically se ts the emerg e ncy aler t bee p to th e master
volum e level.
Level 1 - 15 — the scanner adjusts t he volume you hear to th e leve l you select.
Assigning a Conventional System to a State
In addition to the BearTracker System Preprogr ammed State information, you may
wan t to program anot her syst em in t ha t same state. Then , wh en you tu rn on th at
state using the [STATE] and the Scroll Control, t he system you progra m will also
be enabled and scanned. See “Assigning a Trunked System to A State” after
“ Se tting Site locatio n Info rma tion ”
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a n existin g Co nve nt io na l system typ e F
Edit Sys Option F
Set State F
Rotat e th e S croll Cont rol to t he same stat e as th e syst em’s stat e.
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct an EDA CS Wide/Narro w system F
Edit Sys Option F
EDCS ID Format F
Setting the Emergency Alert Option ME
Conventional Systems C
Setting the EDACS ID Format E