Uniden BCT15 Scanner User Manual

Controls, Keys, and Functions
Use this combin at io n in an y mo de exce pt Scan a nd GPS. Pre ss [3] to tog gle
Close Call mode. Press and hold [3] to switch to Clo se Ca ll Only mode.
U se this c om bi nation in any mode except Scan and GPS. Press [4], [5], or [6]
to begin sear ching the range set when you set up and assigned one of these
keys t o a sele ct ed sea rch range.
Use this combin at io n in an y mo de exce pt Scan a nd GPS. Pre ss [7] to tog gle
the atte nuator setting.
Use this combin ation in Scan Hold, Search, Search Hold, Close Call Only , an d
Close Call Hold modes. Press [8] to m on itor the fr eq uency to th e site re pe ate r.
The scanner changes back to the frequency from the repeater when you
release [8].
Use this co mbination in any m ode exce pt Sca n an d G PS. Pre ss [9] to set Ale rt
Plus Sc an on.
Use this combin ation in Scan Hold mode. Press [0] to tog gle Name Disp mo d e
on or off.
F + [.No] Key
Use this com bination in Scan and Scan H old mode to toggle the Active
Channel Display mode on and off.
U s e th is com binati on in Se ar c h Hold mode o r moni to ri n g in Searc h m od e. U s e
to resume se arching.
In al l other modes except Search, Search Hold, and GPS, press
[SCAN/SEARCH] to disp la y Quick Sea rch P ro mpt.
Use this combin at io n while scann ing a t runked syst em to tog gle ID Sca n a nd
ID Search.
Note: This do es not wo rk wh ile scanning B ear Tra cker syst em.
5. POL/DOT Key
Pr ess to change the group lockout status of Police, Departm ent of
T r ansportation. U nlocked means enabl ed for scanning. See the tabl e on
Page 53 f or t he result of multip le ke y presses.
6. HP/B
BT (BearTracker™) Key
Pr ess to change the group lockout status of HP (Highway Patrol), and
B Bear Tracker ™. Unlocked means enabled for s canni ng. See the table on
Page 53 f or t he result of multip le ke y presses.