Uniden BCT15 Scanner User Manual

Agenc y Subfleet 28
C hannels 54
D angerous Xing-Road 125
LED 50
M ute 41, 48, 50
Plus 16
POI 126
Tone 54
Antenna 20, 32, 33, 38, 45, 104, 131
At tenuat ion, Att enuator 48, 62,
70, 84, 99, 101
Aut o Store 14, 15, 102, 103, 104, 105, 111
Back light 41, 50, 59
Band 104, 106, 110, 111, 120
BearT rac ker Opti ons
Ho l d Ti me 6 1
Max Priorit y Scan 63
Set Alert Level 62
Set Alert Tone 62
Set Att enuator 62
Set Delay T ime 62
S e t Re co r d 6 3
Beep 15, 49, 60, 78, 93, 105
Alert 125
Birdies 14, 130
Broadcas t 17, 24, 50, 92, 110, 115
BT 11, 43, 47, 53
Alert 50
C ontrol 15, 27-28, 83
C ontrol info rm ation 29
Delay Time 75
Option Sett ings 70
C lose Ca ll
Alert 105
DND 4 8
Hits 106
H its with Scan 107
LED 50
Only 104
Opt ions 104
Pri 48
s earching 104
U sing 104
Cont rast, Adjusting 60
As signing to a St ate 78
Channel Modulation 91
Data Skip 75
General Not es 68
Loc ation Inf ormat ion 75
Program ming Sys tem s 71
Quic k Search 97
Searc h and Store 102
St artup Key Operation 51
Sy st em Hold Tim e 74
Channel 94
Sys tems 80
CTCS S 9 1
Di sp l a y 4 8
Frequenc ies 140
Q u i ck S a ve 9 1
Searching fo r Tones 109
Selec ting 91
D eleting Locat ion 126
Option Setting 124
Road 17, 123
Xing 49, 123
Sett ings 125
Clear me m ory. 65
ED ACS trunk ing 28
F IPS area s pecif ic 17
GPS icon 48
Skip 14
St ate-by -st ate sy st em 20
Tec hnica l sy st ems 27
Wired cl one trans fer 15