Preset Map 15 Preset Map 16
User Defined Fleet Maps
Type I Programming Information
When a Type I system is desig ned, the ad dress in f ormation f or all the ID’s is
divided in to 8 eq ua l sized blocks, nu mber ed 0–7 . Whe n you progr am you r scan ne r
to track a Type I system, you must select a size code f or each of the se blo cks.
When yo u h ave assigned a size co de to all 8 blocks, you’ll ha ve de f in ed t he f le et
map fo r the syst em you are tra ckin g. Each size code de termine s the n umber of
fleets, subfleets, and ID ’s each block will have. For example, a size code of S-4
has one fl eet, w hi ch i s di vided into 16 separate subfl eets, and i t has a total of 512
i ndividual ID’s.
When a block is assi gned a size code, the fleet or fl eets created wi thin the block
are assigned a Type I ID. The way these ID’s display on your scanner depend on
the block number and the block’s size code. When a Type I ID appears, the
l eftmost digit represents the block which contains the ID.
T he next 2-3 digits identify which fleet is active, and the last digit(s) identifies the
subfl eet.
T he details concerning how the si ze codes are selected by a Type I System
d esign er are high ly depende nt on th e sp ecific need s o f the syst em’s users. So me
organi zati ons m i ght want many subfl eets w i th only a few radios each, while
another organization might want only a few subfleets with many r adios each. Your
task is t o program your fleet map with t he same size code assign me nts as t he
trunked syste m. I f you do t his accurately, you’ll trac k all t he Fleet -Subfleet
co mb in atio ns used by the syste m. In other words, you ’ll hear complet e
co mmunications while mo nitoring a trun ked system.
I f you don’t already k now the s iz e codes used, you ’ll have to gues s at them. But
since you do n’t have to f ig ure o ut all th e blocks at on ce, t his isn ’t as hard as it
Block Size Code Block Size Code
0 Size Code 4 0 Size Code 3
1 Size Code 4 1 Size Code 10
2 Size Code 4 2 Size Code 10
3 Size Code 11 3 Size Code 11
4 Size Code 11 4 Size Code 0
5 Size Code 0 5 Size Code 0
6 Size Code 12 6 Size Code 12
7 (Size Code 12) 7 (Size Code 12)