Introduction to BearTracker Operation
Introduction to BearTracker Operation
Using BearTracker Scanning
The BCT15 incl udes state-by- state preprogrammed frequencies designed to
provi de y ou w ith good general r adio cov er age tar geted to the state you are in.
To sca n the Bea rTra cker fre qu en cie s f or yo ur stat e, pr ess [SQ/STATE] to en ter the
State Selection m ode. Rotate the Scroll Control and sele ct your curren t state.
Now, the [POL/DOT] an d [HP/B] keys le t you select wh ich sets o f
prepr ogram med frequenci es to scan, in additi on to the channel s you have
programmed. The BCT15 scans these frequencies according to the settings you
select in t he f ollowing sect io ns.
Whi le there i s no w ay to deter mine the loc ation of a s pecific servi ce you hear ,
based on the typical range of reception, and using a suitable antenna, you can
estimate that the transmission i s reaching you from 25 mil es or less and about
three m iles or le ss for the Be arTracke r Warn ing system.
PO L includes Police a nd Sheriff serv ic es .
DOT incl udes the states’ Department of Transportation services.
HP includes the Highway Patrol, State Police, State Patrol, and State intercity.
B activat es t he Bea rTracker Warnin g syst em an d its asso ciat ed alert feat ure.
Whe n you sele ct a sta te, the scanne r also un lo cks any user-prog ramme d systems
you have assign ed t o t he sele ct ed state a nd locks out use r-p ro grammed syst ems
assigned to other states (syst ems n ot assigned to a st at e are no t a f fected).
Press X to enable [POL/DOT] [HP/B]