Uniden BCT15 Scanner User Manual

A Look at The LCD Display
A Look at The LCD Display
GRP appears wi th Quick Key numbers for groups 0 - 99 in Function mode.
Sx: :
Th is icon a ppe ar s with ico ns of Qu ick Key num be r fo r Syste ms an d Sites ( f ro m “0
to “ 99”).
“x” shows cu rrent ten’s place of Quick K ey f or System or Site.
Thi s icon appears with icons of Quick Key number for Groups (1 - 9, 0) in Fu nctio n
1 - 9, 0 :
In SCAN mode, the numbers of unlocked Quick Key for Systems/Group are
displa yed . An d a current sca nning number blinks.
In SCAN HOLD mo de , the Qu ick Ke y number of the current S ystem/Gro up i s
T he num bers of selected U ser Ranges appear w hil e C ustom Search. And the
number of searching Range blinks.
PL, DT, HP, BT :
These icons show Gr oups’ lockout status of Bear Tracker System .
(P L = Police Gr ou ps, DT = DOT Gro up s, HP = Hig hwa y Patro l Groups, BT = Be a r
Tracker Groups)
T his icon appears in Scan Hold M ode, Search H ol d Mode and Clos e Call Hold
T his icon appears when the Data Sk ip function i s on.
L/O :
T his icon appears at l ocked out Channel or frequency.