Epson MFJ-1278B Switch User Manual

So $1B in hexidecimal notation is equal to 27 in standard decimal notation. Table 5-1
presents a list of ASCII character codes that are available in most computer manuals. A table
of ASCII codes for control characters follows:
Dec Hex Control Mnemonic
Dec Hex Control Mnemonic
0 $00 <CTRL-@> NUL 16 $10 <CTRL-P> DLE
1 $01 <CTRL-A> SOH 17 $11 <CTRL-Q> DC1
2 $02 <CTRL-B> STX 18 $12 <CTRL-R> DC2
3 $03 <CTRL-C> ETX 19 $13 <CTRL-S> DC3
4 $04 <CTRL-D> EOT 20 $14 <CTRL-T> DC4
5 $05 <CTRL-E> ENQ 21 $15 <CTRL-U> NAK
6 $06 <CTRL-F> ACK 22 $16 <CTRL-V> SYN
7 $07 <CTRL-G> BEL 23 $17 <CTRL-W>
8 $08 <CTRL-H> BS 24 $18 <CTRL-X> CAN
9 $09 <CTRL-I> HT 25 $19 <CTRL-Y> EM
10 $0A
<CTRL-J> LF 26 $1A
11 $0B <CTRL-K> VT 27 $1B <CTRL-[> ESC
12 $0C <CTRL-L> FF 28 $1C <CTRL-\> FS
13 $0D
<CTRL-M> CR 29 $1D
14 $0E <CTRL-N> SO 30 $1E <CTRL-^> RS
15 $0F <CTRL-O> SI 31 $1F <CTRL-_> US
127 $7F <DELETE>
Table 5-1. ASCII Codes for Control Characters.
In Chapter 4 we discussed two of the packet operating modes, Command Mode and
Converse Mode. Packet also can operate in the third mode, Transparent Mode which is a
data-transfer mode like Converse Mode, but is intended primarily for computer data
interchange rather than human conversation. In the following sub-sections we will briefly
describe all three of these modes.
Command Mode
Command Mode is used to enter commands that alter the MFJ-1278B's operating parameters.
All the other MFJ-1278B operating modes are entered from Command Mode. When the
MFJ-1278B is in Command Mode, the Command Mode prompt,
is printed at the beginning of each input line. Note, however, that if the MFJ
1278B has