Epson MFJ-1278B Switch User Manual

You can obtain hardcopy printouts from the bulit-in printer port of the MFJ-1278B.
Hardcopy printouts are done with the same printer that you used in the other modes of
operation. To make hardcopy printouts type the following at the a_cmd: command prompt:
to activate the built-in printer port. Ensure that the printer is turned on and is ON-LINE.
Now all AMTOR received will go to the printer port, until a PRINT OFF command is
issued, or you exit back to the main cmd: line.
Summary of AMTOR Contact Sequence
1. At the cmd: command prompt, type MODE AM, this will take you to AMTOR mode B
(FEC) mode. Indicated by the a_cmd: command prompt.
2. LISTEN or LI allows you to monitor mode A (ARQ), and switches from mode B.
3. Issuing an R will switch from mode A to mode B from the a_cmd: prompt.
4. ARQ xxxx connects you with a station heard calling cq.
5. R or QRT in ARQ mode removes the link between stations.
6. FEC keys the transmitter and broadcasts a mode B message.
7. CRTL-C from the converse mode will return you to the a_cmd: prompt, and twice will
exit back to the main cmd: prompt.