New Lines and Line Wrapping
If everything displayed appears to be double-spaced, your computer is adding an extra
linefeed (<LF>) whenever it displays a carriage return (<ENTER>). Set AUTOLF OFF to
keep the MFJ-1278B from also adding an <LF>. If you change equipment you may have to
set AUTOLF ON to restore the MFJ-1278B's automatic linefeeds.
The screen-width parameter is set by default to 80, the width of many CRT displays. The
MFJ-1278B will send an extra <ENTER> (or <ENTER> <LF> if AUTOLF is ON) when 80
characters have been displayed on a line. If your computer does not automatically break long
lines, you will need to set the screen width to the width of your display. For example, for a
computer using a TV set for a display, you would set SCREENLN 40. If your computer
does automatically break long lines, you should set SCREENLN 0 to disable this feature on
the MFJ-1278B. Otherwise, you will get two <ENTER>s when the line wraps around.
A few computers will frequently lose the first characters of a line when several lines are typed
in rapid succession, for example, in the sign-on message. You can give the computer more
time between lines by setting NUCR ON (delay after <ENTER>), or NULF ON (delay after
<LF>). The delay is adjusted by NULLS parameter. The NULLS parameter sets a number
of character-times for the delay.
With the basic parameters set up which enable the MFJ-1278B to be able to communicate
with your computer, we can now discuss some basic functions and features of the MFJ-