APPENDIX A Instruction Lists
● Format Column
A to F .......... format TYPE-A through F as described in Section "6.1 Instruction Formats".
● OP Column
"OP" codes have the following significance according to the format type listed in the format column.
• Format types A, C, D.....2-digit hexadecimal value represents 8-bit "OP" code.
• Format type B ................2-digit hexadecimal value represents higher 4 bits of "OP" code, lower 4 bits
• Format type E ................4-digit hexadecimal value with higher 2 digits representing higher 8-bits of
"OP" code, next digit representing 4-bit "SUB-OP" code, last digit "0".
• Format type F.................2-digit hexadecimal code representing higher 5 bits of "OP" code, remainder
● Cycle (CYC) Column
Numerical values represent machine cycles, variables "a" through "d" have a minimum value of 1.
• a............... Memory access cycles, may be increased by "Ready" function.
• b .............. Memory access cycles, may be increased by "Ready" function. Note that if the next
instruction references a register involved in a "LD" operation an interlock will be applied,
increasing the number of execution cycles from 1 cycle to 2 cycles.
• c............... If the instruction immediately after is a read or write operation involving register "R15", or
the "SSP" or "USP" pointers, or the instruction format is TYPE-A, an interlock will be
applied, increasing the number of execution cycles from 1 cycle to 2 cycles.
• d .............. If the instruction immediately after references the "MDH/MDL" register, interlock will be
applied, increasing the number of execution cycles from 1 cycle to 2 cycles.
When dedicated register such as TBR, RP, USP, SSP, MDH, and MDL is accessed with ST
Rs, @-R15 command just after DIV1 command, an interlock is always brought, increasing
the number of execution cycles from 1 cycle to 2 cycles.
● FLAG Column
• C.............. varies according to results of operation.
• – .............. no change
• 0 .............. value becomes "0".
• 1 .............. value becomes "1".