This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
2. IBM Triple LANStreamer PCI Adapter FRU part 25H6305 (Option part
D.7 Problems Associated with Third Party OEM Network Driver Diskettes
When installing NT 4.0 you might experience problems during the installation
phase. You will see error messages relating to the network adapter, for
An error has occurred
Unable to open the file d:\I386\oem-file-name
There is a bug in the installation process that overwrites critical files on the OEM
diskette. To overcome this problem, we suggest that you first install an adapter
that is listed in the hardware compatibility list and then replace it with the
adapter requiring the OEM driver once the installation process has completed.
This is done in order establish a domain or become part of a domain. Where
your server is not part of a domain, you could just skip the network adapter
selection process and install one later.
D.8 Token-Ring Adapters
If you are using token-ring adapters, we recommend that once you have
completed the installation, you shut down and power off the machine before
restarting it. We have found instances when the adapter did not function
correctly until it was powered off.
Appendix D. Tips on Windows NT and IBM Hardware 157