This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
RAID Arrays and Logical Drives
Remember, when using drives attached to an IBM RAID controller, the
physical drives are combined into a RAID array. Within this array, you can
specify how much of the total available (drive array) disk space will be
assigned to a certain RAID level (RAID-0, -1 or -5). This particular disk space
is called a logical drive. However, this logical drive is presented by the RAID
controller as a single disk drive to Windows NT. This (logical) drive needs to
be partitioned and formatted in the same fashion as any other disk drive.
Windows NT Server Setup
Setup has Determined that your computer′ s startup hard disk is new
or has been erased, or that an operating system is installed on your
computer with which Windows NT cannot coexist.
If such an operating system is installed on your computer; continuing
Setup may damage or destroy it.
If the hard disk is new or has been erased, or you want to discard
its current contents, you can choose to continue Setup.
* To continue Setup, press C. Warning: Any data currently on
your computer′ s startup hard disk will be permanently lost.
* To exit Setup, press F3.
C=Continue Setup F3=Exit
Figure 63. Unformatted or Unsupported Operating System Already Installed
Setup displays the Windows NT Licensing Agreement. Please read it carefully
and make sure you do not violate any terms or conditions of this licensing
agreement. Use the Page Down key to scroll through the licensing conditions
and press F8 to comply and to continue with the NT 4.0 installation.
5.3.6 Basic Configuration and HAL Options
The next panel shown in Figure 64 on page 90 is where you define the basic
configurations of your server. For example at this point you can choose to install
your server as either a uni- or multiprocessor system. You can also specify
what kind of display is attached, the type of keyboard, its layout, and so on.
Each option may be selected and modified according to the type and
configuration of your server.
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 89